Aerodynamics and Acoustics Facility (AAF)
Aerodynamics and Acoustics Facility (AAF)

Large Low-Speed Wind Tunnel


The new low-speed wind tunnel facility was developed in 2019 after a two-year redevelopment project. The new test facility is designed with two aerodynamics test area and another test section designed for civil-engineering testing. 

Technical Details

Test Section Dimensions  14 m (L) x 2.5 m (W) x 2 m (H)
Turbulence Intensity  < 0.12 %
Flow Uniformity  < 0.4 %
Flow Angularity < 0.5 degrees
Working Temperature  Heat exchanger unit sets working temperature ~ 24 degrees Celcius 
Test Speeds 2.5 m/s to 40 m/s
Background Noise LAeq < 58 dB at 5 m/s


Aerodynamic Test Section

The aerodynamic test section consists of two turntable units, capable of rotating 360 degrees. The overhead turntable is additionally capable of suspending a sting mount with a variable inclination angle controller, thereby enabling suspended aircraft models to be tested under various pitch angles.

This test section is used for:

1) Performance-sports engineering
2) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle testing 
3) General aerospace research and development testing


Boundary-Layer Test Section 

This test section is located towards the downstream-end of the 14 m long test section. This section consists of a base turntable, capable of rotating 360 degrees, and is surrounded by two large glass panels, that provide optical access. 

This test section is used for:

1) Boundary layer research 
2) Civil engineering aerodynamic testing (buildings, facade, etc.)